Jesus was at a dinner party, hosted by Simon, a prominent man in the religious community. The men were relaxing after the meal, and suddenly a woman appears… It was scandalous but not for the reason you think.

What’s something crazy you’ve done for love? 

Love can make you feel desperate and desperation makes you take crazy action, doesn’t it?

Imagine feeling like an unwelcome guest at a party, but you go anyway because love pulls you beyond comfort… it’s just like the scripture says, perfect love expels fear…

Jesus was at a dinner party, hosted by Simon, a prominent man in the religious community. The men were relaxing after the meal, and suddenly a woman appears… It was scandalous because it wasn’t that kind of party

Man watching a stripper

At least not this time, but she was familiar to the men there.

The men thought they knew her… loose, immoral… a sinner. She was accepted when they wanted to use her but this time she was waayyyy out of line.



But she had to come, because she had to express her love for the one man who hadn’t used her. Instead he treated her as someone who had value for more than what her body could provide.

Her presence wasn’t the only scandalous act that she did. She also took the equivalent of a year’s salary worth of perfume and poured it on Jesus. 

Even if the men wanted to forget the sight of her, they couldn’t get the smell out of their nose because the scent filled the house. 

disapproving man pointing a finger

And then, she started to cry. I’m pretty sure it was an ugly cry. She was a wreck… blubbering, and crying with snot running down her face, dripping onto Jesus’ feet.


The men tried to shame her but Jesus had a different response. He praised her, and claimed that her extravagant worship would be talked about for all time.

Here we are… more than 2000 years later, still talking about her offering.

What are you compelled to do for love? Worship with your whole body?

Many other Fire Catchers also experience something similar when they used Beautiful Offering worship flags.

Here’s what a few Fire Catchers have said:

These flags help me to let go of my “self” and focus on Abba/Jesus/ Ruach Ha-Kadosh with love and worship in a way that I would find hard to do otherwise ~Mary
I was immediately drawn to Beautiful Offering. In fact, I cried. In the description it spoke of the woman with the alabaster jar. She poured out the costly perfume all over Jesus. She knew how valuable and precious He was to her. When I think of my relationship with Jesus, I'm so thankful. ~Jerry

It’s evident to understand why Beautiful Offering worship flags are a Best Seller. 

If you want to experience worship in a new way, Beautiful Offering worship flags are the right choice for you.

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African woman cutting fabric and making worship flags for catch the fire worship flags

On fire to build his kingdom

stop the cycle of poverty in rural uganda

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