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Biblical Meanings & Color Symbolism

Receive a FREE pdf of Prophetic Color Meaning & Symbolism

Discover the Biblical Meanings of Color

Colors in the Bible carry deep spiritual and prophetic meanings. From the royal purple of kingship to the fiery red of redemption, every color tells a story of God's character and divine plan.

If you’ve ever wondered what colors represent in Scripture, worship flags, or praise dance, this free guide will give you clear biblical insights with scripture references.

Worship dancer in a praise garments that match colored praise banners symbolizing the biblical meaning of red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, and purple. A powerful prophetic dance expression in praise and worship.

What You’ll Learn in This Free PDF:

✅ The spiritual and prophetic meaning of colors in the Bible
✅ How colors are used in worship, prayer, and intercession
Scripture references that reveal God’s purpose for each color
✅ How colors are used in worship flags, banners, and praise dance

Dance flags that symbolize biblical colors from Catch the Fire Worship Flags

I Could Say Things With Color That I Couldn't Say Any Other Way.

~Georgia O'Keefe

Why This Guide Matters for Worshippers

Whether you're a flag worshipper, dancer, prophetic intercessor, or simply a believer seeking deeper biblical insight, this guide will help you:

🔹 Choose worship flag colors based on biblical symbolism
🔹 Understand how colors are used in liturgical seasons
🔹 Gain clarity on God’s messages through colors in dreams & visions
🔹 Deepen your worship experience with biblical revelation

📖 Get the complete guide with even more colors and scripture references!

Blue: The Word of God & Heaven

make tassels on the corners of their garments... and to put a blue cord in the tassels of the corners. ~Numbers 15:38

Blue is symbolizes divine revelation, truth, and the heavenly realm, presence of God and His commandments.

Purple: Kingship & Royalty

They clothed him in a purple robe, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him. ~Mark 15:17

Purple signifies royalty, authority, and the majesty of Christ as King of Kings. It was used in priestly garments and the tabernacle.

Red: The Blood of Jesus & Redemption

Come now, let us reason together... Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. ~Isaiah 1:18

Red represents the blood of Christ, sacrifice, and atonement. It is also a color of the fire of the Holy Spirit

White: Purity & Righteousness

To her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. ~Revelation 19:8

White symbolizes righteousness, holiness, anointing, Holy Spirit & victory over sin and death.