Flag Maker Academy (DIY digital course)

Flag Maker Academy (DIY digital course)

Sale price$219.00

Learn how to make worship flags; enjoy the creative process and save money.

In this digital video course, you'll learn:

✔️ detailed supply list
✔️ selecting the right fabrics & materials
✔️ choosing & selecting the best poles for your project
✔️ step-by-step instructions to sew single or multi-layer flags
BONUS: supply list for dyeing silk flags

Are you interested in making prophetic worship flags but don't know where to start, or how to finish your praise banners so they last for years?

Learn how to make your own worship flags. You'll enjoy the creative process and save money.

In this digital video course, you'll learn:

  • detailed supply list
  • selecting the right fabrics & materials
  • choosing & selecting the best poles for your project
  • step-by-step instructions to sew single or multi-layer flags
  • BONUS: supply list for dyeing silk flags



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Become a Fire Catcher


Fire Catchers understand your passion for worship and desire to mature in your faith

On Fire To Build His Kingdom


What if you could change the world by choosing where you buy worship flags and accessories? Every purchase you make from Catch the Fire Worship Flags helps build the Kingdom.

Group of smiling African women making worship flags for catch the fire worship flags

Building Communities in Uganda

Catch the Fire Worship Flags is a partner with New Chapter Vocational Training Center to transform lives among an under-served segment of Uganda’s rural population so that they are liberated from vulnerability that comes from generational poverty.

group of dynamic people jumping and smiling

Supporting New Leaders

We believe the next generation are leaders for today. Catch the Fire Worship Flags partners with organizations like YWAM and Circuit Riders to support young leaders who inspire their generation to love Jesus and be on mission with Him.

asian man looking at camera, catch the fire worship flags Bhutan mission

Unreached People in Bhutan

Imagine if your business license was revoked because you talked about Jesus in public. Despite that, the church in Bhutan is growing. Catch the Fire Worship Flags supports Bhutanese Believers who bring the good news of Jesus Christ to remote areas of unreached people.

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