What’s “good” about the gospel?
What is a Christian?

What’s “good” about the gospel?

Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic (Law) covenant and replaced it with a covenant that can’t be broken. Do you know why it can’t be broken? Because the covenant is between the Father (God) and Jesus (God-m...
man with blindfold and chain in hands w/ catch the fire worship flags logo
What is a Christian?

When Love is Forced

In other words, the media has weaponized love. It’s being used in such a way that makes people who do not consent feel violated, powerless, and not in control of their own body. Hmm, the effects so...
Father holding his walking son w/ catch the fire worship flags logo
What is a Christian?

What Childlike Faith Looks Like to the Father

A child knows her Father’s heart. She is secure and has faith that her Father will only do what’s best for her. That is what being childlike is all about. I’m in the middle of my morning devotions,...
woman crying image with text and catch the fire worship flags logo
What is a Christian?


Death and taxes may be certain, but so is rejection. Rejection is part of the human experience. No matter who rejects you, it’s painful, and it hurts. It seems to hurt more when the rejection comes...
man praying on his knees image with text and catch the fire worship flags logo
What is a Christian?


“Are you well-regarded?” “Excuse me?” I’ve had some unique questions from the Border Control Customs Officers in the past but this was a first. He clarified, “Are you well regarded in your industry...
African woman cutting fabric and making worship flags for catch the fire worship flags

On Fire to Build His Kingdom

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10% of every purchase provides discipleship & vocational training for men and women at New Chapter Vocational School in order to effectively provide for their own families while providing skills that benefit their community.